About Me

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I am 24 years young, a momma to three beautiful little ones, an inspired chef and pastry artist , student, and amateur blogger! This has lead me to starting a blog of my own somewhere to write about the new recipes I make, post pictures, and possibly help other busy moms out with dinner :) Of course I will also blog about my adventure in Culinary Arts! Please look up "Country Mom Chef" on facebook and LIKE the page!!! :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Updates Updates Updates!

Hello all! Where to begin with updates, I have been on busy lady! I worked a couple of days this week and also had my first kitchen class this evening! I was so excited to have my first class get my uniform and knife kit. The kit has so much in it, a lot more than I had expected to receive. In class tonight we chopped 60 lbs of tomatoes, cucumbers, and onion for a salad to be served at a school event this Saturday. It was a lot of fun to go into our first night of class and get straight to hands on work. My class this quarter is very small, only 5 people and I love it. I learn so much more in small classes. I feel our instructor can give us more attention and make sure we are doing things the correct way. I think I caught on to the chopping techniques pretty fast. The only thing I will have to practice is curving my fingers inward when chopping to keep my knuckles being closest to the knife, and not my finger tips. I'm going in this class with all 10 fingers I want to come out the same way!! :)

Here is my uniform!

I am missing my apron & hat in this picture, but you get an idea for the uniform! It's comfortable so I don't mind it. And I love how they have our names embroidered on them. Very cool

I have mentioned on a previous post how CMC has a lot of things coming up, we have even more now. I am working out a schedule for all things now and will hopefully have everything posted next week with all announcements. I am very excited, and of course proud of how well things are going (and growing!!) for country mom chef. I am actually going to have to reach out for more hands here before long. I can do a lot by myself, but I cant do everything and will be needing help! I know with my faith everything will turn out just as it should.

I finally figured out Photoshop Pro with the help of a friend, and came up with a simple but cute flyer for our Easter menu! Orders are rolling in so I am very excited to get everything going with that! Of course I will be posting pictures as orders are filled. Here is the flyer:

If anyone (locally) would like to place an order for Easter, please be sure to inbox me via Country Mom chef facebook! Or you can email me at Hregan9698@hotmail.com with subject line "EASTER ORDER". :)

We took our kiddos to see the Easter Bunny yesterday! I was a little nervous about this because Mason (the youngest), refused Santa. So I knew this was going to be a challenge! We got there waited in line for a few minutes and then it was our turn. Daddy was holding Mason and he was fine I placed the older two next to the bunny and they were a little skeptical, daddy tried to place Mason on his lap and he freaked out. So we tried to just have him stand in front of the bunny hoping he would be okay with that. No. Lol the picture we got was very much our family. It's cute and will be a great picture to show off to girlfriends and kids one day. I knew I wanted Mason in it though so this is what we ended up with.

I will admit the bunny does look a little creepy, haha I guess that's why they are all like "ehh no thanks mom". It's a good family memory though! Well I am one tired momma and need to get to sleep. Good night to all :)

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