It's all very foggy to me, I remember going into the OR and wiggling over to the actual table where they would want me. I remember them strapping down my left arm and the way the one nurse looked at me she must have been able to tell I was very nervous and scared bless that nurse because she talked to me while everyone else around me was so busy talking to each other and doing their job. I remember she asked me about my culinary school and what I did I doubt I even said much and I was out for the count. The surgery was short, it was about an hour. I woke up in the recovery room. This room held about 10-11 beds separated by a curtain between each bed. I believe there were three or four nurses in this area for all of us. And it was completely packed. Obviously groggy and tired sore and over it I was in and out of sleep from 1:30 until about 7pm. My nurse in this area was Jessica and she was fantastic she checked on me and made sure I was comfortable treated me like a patient. She left around 8pm. I should have only been in recovery for about an hour maybe two at most, I know this because the surgeon told me while I was still in the ER and he was explaining everything to me. This other nurse was just not as great. They slowly started moving people to rooms late in the evening by 9:30 it was just myself and a little old lady next to me and my nurse and another nurse. Those two nurses sat there gossiping from that point on until I finally got to go to a room at 12:30am. Boy I have heard enough gossip for a life time!!! I had to literally raise my hand and wave it around to get her attention bc she was so caught up in it. I was thankful to get in a room even if it wasn't on the surgery floor and I had to share with someone. By this point I was starving because I hadn't had anything to eat since Tuesday night at 6 but they couldn't give me food. Thankfully my nurse I had on that floor brought me a sack lunch at 2am and boy for two pieces of dry wheat bread with one slice of thin sandwich meat it tasted like a gourmet meal. She was a sweet nurse and made sure I was comfortable all night. My day nurse I had though topped them all she was just fantastic she would come in the room and talk to me, helped me out when I started passing out, helped me breathe, helped with my chest pain just over all was a rock star nurse. She turned around my opinion of the hospital I had gotten from such a horrible time I had after I came out of surgery that's for sure. My plan is to make my nurses I had, there were three great ones, and my surgeon and the lady who worked with him all cupcakes and take them to my post op appointment. I really want to thank them for helping me feel better about my experience. Although it started just really bad they turned it around for me and made me feel like an actual person. More happened through out the stay that just put a sour taste in my mouth, but I think I've babbled enough! But there you have it, my "bump in the road". I came across a post on facebook and I put it up on my instagram this is it below.

I can say I prayed yesterday a lot, before on my way and after surgery I prayed and prayed and had this sense of someone there with me even when I was totally alone. I will admit I was a mess yesterday but without that feeling and prayer I would have been a lot worse. My friend commented on the picture and said this: "I <3 you! It's just a bump in the road and with your strength and faith... This too shall pass!". And though I definitely did not see it like that yesterday going into the ER and being told I was going into surgery, the only thing I saw was "another health issue" or "let down" best put, another thing getting in my way especially with all the orders I had going for Country Mom Chef this week. BUT now that I can look back on it and really see it from the other side, Bump in the road. That was one heck of a bump I hit yesterday. But my friend was right when they said "this too shall pass". I was upset when it first happened, the timing just felt really bad because I had so many orders and things going on I didn't want to lose them BUT I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason, for some reason I needed to slow down and concentrate on my body and health.. I'm taking this time to do that. Thank you to everyone who prayed and kept me in your thoughts I truly appreciate it!! And I cant wait to get totally better so I can get back in the kitchen and make more yummy goodness!!!! I'll be back at it soon, and better than ever!
With this bump I have put more thought into my health. I am going to start paying more attention to what I eat. While I try not to eat fried or greasy foods I am also going to start limiting my intake on sweets (this will be tough for me I have the WORST sweet tooth), limit pork eliminate chicken (they upset my stomach for whatever reason), eat more fresh greens, veggies, and fruits while getting back into the gym. I cannot lift or do actual gym workouts for the next 4-6 weeks while my muscles heal but I will be walking and working my way back into the gym and making myself go twice a week. I will also drink more water, take vitamins, and rest more. I need to get myself healthy so I can limit these bumps. I know the appendicitis was something I couldn't help getting but my health has always been funny and up and down. I'm ready to feel "normal", or come to a happy medium with my body!
Another thing I missed this week with my bump was my culinary final I was supposed to take tonight. I did take the written portion last week, which I'm still not sure what my grade is I need to ask Chef! But I did talk to Chef yesterday before surgery to let him know I would not be in class this week and to arrange a time for me to make it up he said I didn't need to I did volunteer work for him and he knows I've practiced (hey ask anyone I've made our final dish at least 6 times since we made it in class LOL), chopped and sauteed a 10lbs bag of potatoes, and went over everything I have taken notes on. I wish I could have been in class tonight because I will miss my class mates and Chef we were a small class so we were close! But next week I go on to my next class Introduction to Cooking Techniques! This class will be twice a week evening classes and I will be learning the basic aspects of fruit and vegetable preparation including salads, cold sauces, and dressing. The fundamental aspects of breakfast cookery and sandwich presentation are also included. I've read through the syllabus and we will be learning a lot I'm very excited! I will have a new teacher though, Chef Chris. I have not met him yet I have only had Chef McGhee. My other class I will be taking is College Composition. That class will also be twice a week so all together I will have class Monday-Thursday. More school than I've had but I'm looking forward to it. I have spoken to my scheduling manager at work and let him know I will only be available to work Friday-Sunday's now so my concentration will be school and Country Mom Chef. I look forward to learning about everything and sharing with everyone who reads along with my blog! Which has now been viewed almost 4000 times! Thank you all for reading, cooking, and believing along with me!! You all are my favorite people! I guess I've probably "talked your ears off" tonight but I felt like I needed to let you all in. :) Thanks for listening. I better try to get some sleep its been two days now. I will update everyone soon! Good night yall!!!